Trauma Treatment Center in Knoxville, TN & Fort Lauderdale, FL
Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, can arise after exposure to any traumatic event.
If you or someone close to you has struggled with trauma, it’s imperative that you find PTSD treatment in Knoxville & Fort Lauderdale. Sanctuary Mental Health & Wellness can help, using trauma-informed care near you.
Contact Sanctuary Mental Health & Wellness today to learn more about our Knoxville & Fort Lauderdale PTSD treatment center.
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understanding the Signs & Symptoms
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
PTSD is a mental health disorder that arises after exposure to trauma. Some people experience PTSD because of a traumatic event that happened to them, a traumatic event they witnessed, or a traumatic event that happened to a loved one.
- Studies indicate that nearly 4% of adults had PTSD last year. Of those, nearly one-third struggle with a serious impairment, a moderate impairment, and a mild impairment, respectively.
- PTSD is nearly three times higher in women than in men.
- The highest rates of PTSD are in adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine and forty-five and fifty-nine.
How does PTSD happen?
The Causes of PTSD
Any unresolved trauma can cause PTSD. Some common examples include the following:
- Car accidents
- Abuse
- Domestic violence
- Assault
- Serious illness
- Natural disasters
- Violence
- Torture
- War
- Injuries
You could get outpatient PTSD treatment in Knoxville even if a partner, child, or other close friend or family member was victimized or struggled with a traumatic event. You can even get help if you simply witnessed an event. If you pulled over on the side of the road to help someone and watched them die at your feet, that can be mentally traumatizing and require a little help from professionals.
With Sanctuary Mental Health & Wellness, you can find outpatient PTSD treatment in Knoxville & Fort Lauderdale that works.
What does PTSD & Trauma look like
What are the Signs of PTSD & Trauma?
Signs of PTSD can range from mild to severe, and the more serious the signs, the more important it is to seek outpatient PTSD treatment in Tennessee & Florida. Symptoms of PTSD:
- Frequent stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fear
- Insomnia
- Flashbacks
- Uncontrollable, disturbing thoughts
- Nightmares
- Reckless behavior
- Issues concentrating
Symptoms such as experiencing intense flashbacks, anxiety, and fear might come and go when you find yourself in a situation or around people who remind you of the traumatic event. If you were assaulted, being near the area where it happened could cause irritability, disturbing thoughts, problems concentrating, and anxiety. Certain sounds (ice machines, cars backfiring, fireworks) are common triggers for military veterans, and those sounds can cause an increase in symptoms.
Ready for help? Sanctuary Mental Health & Wellness has a high-end Knoxville & Fort Lauderdale PTSD treatment center.

Get the help you need now
Begin Your Journey to Wellness
Reach out to our caring admissions team today and learn more about your personal options for treatment at Sanctuary Mental Health & Wellness. We will do whatever it takes to make sure you get the help you need.
(888) 387-0791Find the Best PTSD Treatment Options
When to Get Treatment for PTSD
Studies have found that long-term exposure to trauma leaves you vulnerable to additional mental health disorders. Untreated PTSD increases the risk of drug and alcohol addiction and interferes with the ability to cultivate intimate relationships.
Signs it’s time to consider trauma treatment in Knoxville & Fort Lauderdale involve any situation where your symptoms are interfering with your daily activities. For example:
- If your traumatic event involved a natural disaster, you might need outpatient PTSD treatment in Tennessee if you cannot go about daily activities, care for yourself or loved ones, or complete work tasks when similar weather patterns arise.
- If your traumatic event involved any type of abuse, and you have found that you are instinctively distrustful of even the smallest demonstrations of anger in a partner, and you avoid long-term relationships because of triggers, you should consider getting help.
- If you experienced an assault and now avoid places you once loved, hobbies, or participation in group events for fear of being triggered, and you struggle with sleep issues, panic attacks, and personality disorders, you should reach out to our Tennessee PTSD treatment center.
Without proper PTSD treatment, your resting no epinephrine and adrenaline levels become higher than they should be. This means you perceive danger in situations where there isn’t any. This can cause long-term changes to the hippocampus, causing it to shrink and making it difficult to remember new information and concentrate. Thankfully, you can get treatment from our qualified center.
Contact Sanctuary Mental Health & Wellness now to learn more about PTSD treatment in Knoxville & Fort Lauderdale

Why choose Sanctuary Mental Health & Wellness
Trauma-Informed Treatment in Knoxville
Trauma-informed outpatient PTSD treatment in Knoxville & Fort Lauderdale is a unique therapy designed specifically for people who have struggled with trauma. Core tenants of trauma-informed therapy focus on avoiding re-traumatization and creating a safe environment for improved mental health.
Heal from the Trauma of your Past
What to Expect When You Enter Our PTSD Treatment Program in Knoxville, TN & Fort Lauderdale, FL
When you come to our facility for treatment, you can expect to participate in individual and group therapy. The type of treatment you receive is based entirely on your situation.
We know how hard it can be to feel safe enough to get help. That is why our staff works tirelessly to ensure you have trauma-informed therapy, staff members with whom you are comfortable, and an individualized treatment program that best fits your needs.
Call our Knoxville & Fort Lauderdale mental health treatment center today to start your recovery.
Get in Touch
Our Office
11612 Chapman Highway, Seymour
TN 37865
1759 N Andrews Sq,
Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33311
Email Address
[email protected]
Give us a Call
(888) 387-0791